Wednesday, October 19, 2011

West Orange CC Fall 2011 Swiss Final Results

Let the Editor be perfectly frank: he has been waiting months to uncork this video. The pace of change at the WOCC is rapidly accelerating. It is time. Here it is:[1.]:



1st and 2nd $125 Zilbermintz and Norris
3rd $ 25 Radomskyj, Chieu and Cohen
Under 1900 $ 60 Pepe
Under 1700 $ 50 Fortunato
Under 1500 $ 35 Trieste

[1.] The WOCC does not approve, encourage, or condone unlawful or reckless behavior. But Fischer, Kasparov, Labron James, they all have one thing in common: incredible intensity. That is the message here. Single pointed will power. "Chess is war". Chess is violence in a controlled environment [2.]. Double click video, at lower R hand corner to be directed to the original YouTube video, or for another version not nearly as good a quality but with rivetting music if you like click here. Stunning. This is not a stunt. It is real.

[2.] Dutch scholar Wayne Huizinga, who wrote the epic work "The Wanning of the Middle Ages", wrote an equally great and by now quite well known treatise on the element of play in human culture, and how it has shaped the course of civilization. Homo Ludens is reviewed at Amazon, linked here. Click red for links.

"A masterpiece. * * * * * Huizinga's genius is to find the idea of play hiding like a spider in the most unlikely places. The medieval "judicial duel", where justice was done by fighting? Clearly a development of ancient forms of combat - and that combat itself was always highly stylised and ritualised, which show, according to Huizinga, that they themselves were "play" forms..."

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