Game, Round Three Race Versus Tica, 0-1.
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For those conventional in needs, direct game score and notes duly copied here:
(1) Race,Doran (2008) - Tica,Juan (2190) [A08]
WOCC Swiss Tournament (3), 14.02.2012
1.Nf3 d5 2.d3 Nf6 3.Nbd2 c5!? [First critical moment I was thinking in Yugoslav Variation against KIA 3...c6 4.g3 Bg4 5.Bg2 Nbd7 But the game Svidler,P (2739) vs. Kramnik,V (2781) 64th ch-RUS | Moscow RUS | Round 1| 8 Aug 2011 | ECO: A07 | 1-0 gave me a bad impression.]
4.g3 Nc6 5.Bg2 e5 6.e4 Be7 7.0-0 0-0 So I choose the classical main line against KID with a minus tempo.I decided for this system because I am d4 player for long time and I have some experience in this line as Corcoran,Paul-Tica,Juan 0-1 A08 WOCC Summer Tournament 2011.
8.Re1 d4 9.Nc4 Qc7 10.a4 Ne8! I started my plan with this typical manouever in KID tabiyas: Ne8-f6-Nd6-Be6-b6-a6-b5.
11.h4?! The beginning of a plan with some justification positional but risky.Enterprising but weakens castle.
11...f6 12.Kh2 Nd6 13.Nfd2 Be6 14.Bh3 This was the whole idea of white: h4-Kh2-Bh3-Bxh3 leaving the black with a bad bishop in e7.
14...Bxh3 15.Kxh3 f5[] the only way to tackle the risky white plan: King exposed+Weakening of the Light Square Complex+Underdeveloped.
16.Nxd6 Bxd6 17.exf5 Rxf5 From here I started to understand that I was to play dynamically and vigorously because if I did not get nothing white is going to keep lasting structural advantages: Strong Knight in e4+ Good Bishop.We always have to play what the position requires despite our own style and preferences.
18.Ne4 Raf8 19.Qg4 Kh8? From here I started to plan my attack with Qd7-h5-Rf5 move with discover check.OTB I saw this line: 19. Qd7! 20. Nxd6 h5! +/- 21. Qxf5 forced but 19. Qd7 20. Bh6!(stop h5) discouraged me.For this reason, I thought preparatory moves as: Kh8-Be7.However, the computer found solution: [19...Qd7! 20.Bh6 the most tenacious (20.Nxd6 h5! (Fritz 13: 20...h5 21.Qxf5[] Rxf5 22.Nxf5 Qxf5+ 23.Kg2 c4 24.Bg5 cxd3 25.cxd3 Qxd3 26.Ra3 Qc2 27.Raa1 -2.74/27 ) 21.Qd1 Rf3+ ) 20...R8f7! 21.f4 Qe6! 22.Bg5 h5!! Fritz 13: 23.Qe2 Rxg5+ 24.Kh2 Rg4 25.f5 Rxf5 26.Rf1 Ne7 27.a5 c4 28.a6 b6 29.Rf2 g6 30.Raf1 Nd5 31.Nxd6 Qxd6 32.Rxf5 gxf5 33.Rxf5 e4 34.Rg5+ Rxg5 35.hxg5 exd3 36.cxd3 -5.34/21 ]
20.Bd2?! OTB I did not know what happened: my opponent didn't feel danger or had a cold defense.
20...c4!? Interesting from a human standpoint but strictly bad. The idea was to push c4 while could and open another attack front.So I could play all over the board and exploit to the maximum activity of my pieces, create complications and better conditions for my attack on the kingside. [20...Qd7! Fritz 13: 21.Nxd6 Qxd6 22.f4 exf4 23.Bxf4 Qd7 24.Kh2 Nb4 25.Re2 h5 26.Qf3 Nd5 27.Re4 Kg8 28.a5 Qb5 29.b3 Qb4 30.a6 Qc3 31.Qd1 b5 32.Qc1 R5f6 -1.23/21 ]
21.dxc4? Bb4? I missed it Qd7 again!( three times in arrow) [21...Qd7! Fritz 13: 22.Bg5 h6 23.f3 Bc7 24.Re2 Qf7 25.Nf6 Rxf6 26.Bxf6 gxf6 27.Qf5 Rd8 28.Rf1 Ne7 29.Qd3 Qe6+ 30.g4 f5 31.c5 e4 32.Kg2 -1.44/21 ]
22.c3 [22.Bxb4 Fritz 13: 22...Nxb4 23.Qe2 h6 24.Ra3 a5 25.Kg2 Qc6 26.Rf1 Kg8 27.f3 R5f7 28.Raa1 Rd8 29.Rfd1 Rdf8 0.65/23 ]
22...Qd7! Finally.
23.h5?? Inexplicable blunder why his position had defense. [23.cxb4? h5[] 24.Qxf5[] (24.Qd1?? Rxf2+ 25.g4 R8f3+ ) 24...Qxf5+-+ ; 23.Kg2? Rxf2+! 24.Nxf2 Rxf2+ 25.Kh3 Rh2+! 26.Kxh2 Qxg4 27.cxb4 e4-+ ; 23.Qd1? Rxf2+ 24.g4 R8f3+ 25.Ng3 h5-+ ; 23.Ng5?! dxc3 24.bxc3 (24.Bxc3 Bxc3 25.bxc3 g6-> ) 24...Kg8 25.cxb4 h5-+ ; 23.Bg5! Be7-> with a lot of play yet; 23.f4!? h5[] 24.Qe2 exf4-> with a lot of play yet]
23...Rxh5+ 0-1
1 comment:
Submitted by Doran
I intend to hold a fast tournament tonight. Time control will be the slowest possible and still be rated as ONLY Quick chess. Probably 29 min/game. I hope to complete 4 games in 4 hours. the pairings will be creative and irregular. In general players in the same score group will be paired and colors will be equalized. Seedinng within the score group will be ignored. First winner with white will play first winner with black. Entry fee $5 club $10 non member. prize fund will be split evenly between highest performance rating and highest differential between performance rating and present rating. For present rating I will use : first - late fall swisss, second - summer swiss. If you did not play in either I will use the latest event you completed and is rated when I check ratings after the tournament. This proposal is subject to John's approval.
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