Wednesday, January 11, 2012

draft / 42ND World Team Amateur, WOCC Teams to USATE / draft

Jose passed out his draft last night, for three possible teams for the big tournament, Sat-Mon 18-20 Feb, 2012. Quickly here by editor, very fast:

As Damon Garret called it last year, 'This is the high temple of chess on the East Coast for the entire year'. He did not say 'one of', but 'the'. So be it:

Subject to revision, ratification, final adjustment. Based on ratings, end Nov as required:

TEAM 1 (AVG =1899)

1. Lev Zilbermintz, Lev D. 2096
2. Boxer, Matthew 1924
3. Cohen, Bryan Paul 1910
4. Korn, David Allan 1666

TEAM 2 (AVG = 1898.75)

1. Race, Doran 1988
2. Hart, Charles M. 1909
3. Pedersen, Roger E. 1903
4. Garrett, Damon T. 1795

TEAM 3 (AVG = 1693.75)

1. Martinez, Alberto 1880
2. West, Robert 1687
3. Fortunato, Joseph 1634
4. Hagerty, John M. 1574

One passing note, for those of you who might be down ten or twenty points by now, or will be, some of these things could be the difference between being a disadvantaged team under 2000 elo or 1800... We are under the radar at 1900 twice, 1700 once.

Not sure who is or was affected, but Damon and editor know that they both are down a few (not a lot) points, so this subtle difference over four players can easily affect a team average by four or five elo, and thus affect potential performance, that is to say, chances of a win by section.

On that note, Jose to some extent let the numbers 'do the dialing'. So be it. Jose spreadsheet magic. Besides sporting no less than a 2101 USCF rating, it turns out that he is a gifted a math teacher in the public school system. Just imagine.

Thank you Jose!

DRAFT / corrections accepted / DRAFT / ratings not from year end, again, FYI. Smiles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this one one p.275 of DVM, D=DVORETSKY'S.
It is diagram 14-36 Chernin-Marjanovic Subotica interzonal 1987
[fen]6k1/5p2/5p2/p2R3p/2p4P/4P1P1/q4P2/2R3K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]6k1/5p2/5p2/p2R3p/2p4P/4P1P1/q4P2/2R3K1 w - - 0 1

Anyone interested in a 2 rooks vs a queen endgame?
submitted by Doran