Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Informacion super importante para los ajedrecistas serios de New York y New Jersey

Quiero informar a la comunidad ajedrecistica de origen hispano de las caracteristicas especiales que hacen de este club un sitio ideal para quienes desean participar en competencias serias de ajedrez.

Para mi, el ser bien recibidoes de vital importancia, y en West Orange Chess Club el visitante va a encontrar un ambiente de Amistad, cordialidad y respeto que sobrepasa lo esperado.

West Orange Chess Club lo compone un amalgama de razas, culturas y religions donde el hispano, aunque tenga un acento muy fuerto o no sepa ni decir ni una palabra en ingles encuentra siempre manos amigas que se extienden para saludarle y hacerle sentirse comom uno mas, como un integrante recibido y bienvenido.

Las condiciones de juego son excelentes, ya sea en competencias individuales o de equipos. El tiempo es de juego en 100 minutos aunque tembien se ofrecen competencias de tiempo rapido de 5, 10 o 15 minutos. No puede haber distraccion porque el director de club John Hagerty y los demas miembros de la directive Mandan a parar de molestar al instante lo mismo al que juega por primera vez que a un gran maestro, sin distinction alguna.

Las condiciones paralelas tambien son de primera. Tenemos café, te, chocolate, galletas dulces y saladitas, donuts, ets, pero no se permite hacer ruido al comer o beber por lo que las condiciones de juego no se alteran.

Localizacion: Toby Katz Community Center, 650 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ. Pero para evitar la confucion que otros han experimentado, llegue a Alyssa Drive, muy cerca de la salida 7 de la ruta 280 y doble hacia el parqueo de la escuela West Orange Hight School.

El club se encuentra frente al parqueo en sentido contrario a la escuela frente a un hermoso lago.

Premios: Los premios se pagan finalizar cada torneo. Ahora tenemos torneos que otorgan 6 Grang Prix Points.

Vengan y disfruten de un ambiente ameno y cordial, pero fuerte porque tenemos jugadores de todos los estilos, desde los super agresivos hasta los super solidos. Les esperamos!

[Above written by long time club member, Alberto Martinez.(click red at L, for his USCF [1]) . .. editor, on the fly among too many cares, find below a crude but quick rendition by Google. translator ...]

[1] Editor, sorry for tendentious link. It is an oddity of the USCF that if you link to a player directly, it just takes you back to the normal player look up (i.e. here), so that you must type in the name again. What is it, the oddities of aspx applications. We are not programers... In any event, no pun intended, the quick way is to go to link at red at his name, which will take you to his name, fifth seed, and just click his name. This is the fastest, easiest way to get there. Err.

Information super important for serious chess players in New York and New Jersey

I want to inform the Hispanic community of chess special features that make this club an ideal place for those who wish to participate in serious chess competitions.
For me, being well recibidoes of vital importance, and West Orange Chess Club visitors will find an atmosphere of friendship, cordiality and respect that exceeds expectations.

West Orange Chess Club made it a mixture of races, cultures and religions where the Spanish, although it has a very strong accent or know or say a word in English is always extending a friendly hand to greet you and make you feel comom one more, as an integral and welcome received.

The playing conditions are excellent, whether in individual or team competitions. The game time is 100 minutes but were offering skills Tembi quick time 5, 10 or 15 minutes. There can be no distraction for the club director John Hagerty and other members of the Mandan directive to stop bothering the same thing at the moment playing for the first time a great teacher, without any Distinction.

The conditions are also parallel first. We have coffee, tea, chocolate, cookies, crackers, donuts, ets, but noise is not permitted to eat or drink so that the playing conditions are not altered.

Location: Toby Katz Community Center, 650 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ. But to avoid that others have experienced Confucianism, come to Alyssa Drive, near Exit 7 of Route 280 and turn into the parking lot of West Orange school Hight School.
The club is located across the parking lot opposite to the school in front of a beautiful lake.

Prizes: Prizes are paid after each tournament. Now we give 6 Grang tournaments Prix Points.

Come and enjoy a pleasant environment and friendly, but strong because we have players of all styles, from super aggressive to super solid. We wait!

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